
Drawings of the Midland Railway Extension to London (St Pancras)

Drawing of Midland Railway extension to London, engine shed at Kentish Town, elevations and sections

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, St Pancras Station, Ironwork and Roofing Contract, plans, sections and details of ridge joint, plans section and details of ventilator

Drawing of Midland Railway extension to London, St Pancras Station, Ironwork and Roofing Contract, details of gangway bracket etc., plans, elevations, sections and details

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, bridge over Old St Pancras Road, cross sections, plan showing Fleet Sewer Diversion and St Pancras Cellars, columns, girders and details of one piece of platform

Untitled drawing of Midland Railway Pancras Contract, showing railway line approaches in diagramatic form and relation to Metropolitan Railway Second Line Contract and Hotel

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, St Pancras Station working drawing no. (missing), Ironwork and Roofing Contract, showing elevation of springing and intermediate rib; elevation of ornamental spandril; brackets for gable

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London. St Pancras Station. Ironwork and Roofing Contract. Sections of ornamental spandrils and part elevation of circle.

Drawing of Midland Railway London, design of coal hoist, Sir W G Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne, 23 Jan 1867

Untitled drawing showing plan of Goods Shed, positions of traversers and capstans etc.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, detail of fitting shops at Kentish Town showing section through fitting shop and engine pit with details of roofing, windows, sills, skylight etc.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, St Pancras Station, Ironwork and Roofing Contract, detail of cresting for gable, details of gutter

Untitled drawing [Midland Railway Extension to London: St Pancras Branch under Pancras Station] further plans and sections, no date, signed W H Barlow, printed on linen

Drawing of general arrangement of steam coal traverser, Appleby Brothers, Engineers, Emmerson St, London SE

1 volume

Inventory of Furniture from the Midland Grand Hotel, London

Scale: 3/4 = 1 ft.

Drawing of Steam Coal Traverser for Walworth Road Depot, Midland Railway Company, elevations and plans, Appleby Brothers, Engineers, Emmerson St, London SE, 1 August 1871

Scale: Various.

Drawing of engine shed at Kentish Town, elevations of roof and skylight including part plan at rail level, stores and offices and part plan of roof timber

Scale: 1/4 = 1 ft.

Drawing of Midland Railway London. Design of 1 Ton Warehouse Crane, Sir WG Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne 25 Jan 1867

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway London to Bedford, ironwork at turnpike (T.P.) road at 19 miles 37 chains, elevations and details including sections

Scale: No scale.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, St Pancras Branch under Pancras Station, plans and sections relating to junction with Metropolitan Railway, no date, signed W H Barlow, printed on linen

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, ridge over Old St Pancras Road, details of girders, sectional plans and elevations

Scale: 1/2 = 1ft.

Drawing of details of capstan for steam coal traverser, Appleby Brothers, Engineers, Emmerson St, London SE

Scale: 2ft = 1 inch.

Drawing of plans and sections of turntable and turntable pit, longitudinal section of engine pit showing highest position of culvert

Scale: 1/2 = 1ft.

Drawing of Midland Railway London, design of 1 ton luggage hoist, Sir W G Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne

Scale: No scale.

Drawing of St Pancras Burial Ground Bridge, deflection of cylinders under test load

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, Finchley Road Station, section through the line from C to D on ground plan, plus plans of timbers in roof and ceiling and plans of floor timbering etc for ground floor, chamber floor and roofing of one storey buildings

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, Finchley Road Station, ground plan at 16 feet above level of rails, elevation of footbridge over line, plus details

Scale: 1/2 = 1 ft.

Drawing of Midland Railway London, design of 1 ton crane, Sir W G Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, St Pancras Station. Ironwork and Roofing Contract, detail of cab approach, detail of flooring next to North Wall, detail of tie at North end of roof (left side of drawing missing)

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, untitled drawing showing plans and elevations relating to hoppers and drays (possibly for coal delivery and distribution) - left side missing

Scale: Various.

Drawing of Midland Railway London to Bedford, ironwork at turnpike (T.P.) road at 19 miles 37chains, elevations and sectional plans of girders and flanges

Scale: No scale.

Untitled fragment including note in pencil attached to tracing 'The Rails are 3/4" higher than the Drawing the Pedestal must be 3/4" higher to make up'

Scale: 8ft = 1 in.

Drawing of plan and elevations of workshops and fitting shops, engine shed, boiler house, smith and spring shop, coppersmith shop and joiner's shop

Scale: 3/8 = 1 ft.

Drawing of Midland Railway London, proposed arrangement of steam engine boiler accumulator etc., Sir W G Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne

Vertical scale 80ft = 1in, Horizontal scale 6in = 1 mile. [gradient diagram]

Drawing of Midland Railway Extension to London, section and plan of London end